LOVE YOUR COMMUNITY WEEK February 9-15, 2025 


WHAT IT IS: A week of giving and service projects aimed at sharing the love of Jesus with members of our community – with no strings attached. 


WHY WE DO IT: Many of the traditional church outreaches are “come and see” type events. This week is aimed at getting into the community and sharing the love of Christ



  • We challenge you to go out to eat at a local restaurant (on Sunday if possible), leave a 100% tip to your server, and invite the server to church, pray with them, and give them an “invite card” 
  • Give to “Strong Tower Loves Our Community.” 
  • There is a Disaster Relief effort on Saturday, February 15. See Nick Lingerfelt for details. 
  • We are providing coffee shop gift cards to workers at the Medical Center.   
  • Encouragement Cards & Gospel Cups are being provided to Nursing Homes. See Mary Liess and Diane Slagle to get involved. 
  • We are providing care packages to college students at ETSU BCM. See Jody if you would like to help stuff the care packages. 
  • See Jody if you know of a single mom for who we could pay for an oil change. 
  • We are providing donuts & coffee to local teachers and school staff at Gray and Boones Creek. See Jody if you would like to help represent Strong Tower and be there to give out the invite cards.  
  • We are buying a designated amount of lunches at a locally owned restaurant. 
  • We are providing snacks to the Medical Center’s ICU waiting room. See Jody if you would like to represent Strong Tower in this outreach. 
  • We are giving Food City Vouchers at the gas pump in Gray.  See Jody if you would like to represent Strong Tower in this outreach. 
  • We encourage our students to take a gospel cup to their teachers. Cups will be available to pick up on Sunday, Feb. 9. 
  • We encourage business owners to take a gospel cup to their employees. 


***Let’s all pray for the Lord to bless and people to be saved!