Daily Devotion

 With Pastor Ancel Presnell



I can look back in my life through the years and see many things that I pursed and mistaken them for the missing link to my life. When I was younger, it was success on the basketball court. When I got into my high school years, it was all about fitting in with the crowd. As I got older, I felt that material possessions were the key to a wholesome life; If I could get that 1997 F250 truck, man, my life would be complete. Well, I got it, I totaled it, it left my life incomplete. Then it was a home, nope, didn’t do it. God called me into ministry, I believed that success in ministry was the missing link. I saw some blessing in ministry early on, and still, that was not it. It is found in Christ alone.

Jesus said the person who believes that they find life in anything other than Him, they actually lose their life. Anything that we attain and value as the key to purpose and life that is less than Christ, it’s a myth. It is simply not true. Life will not be found in money, material possessions, marriage, family, children, career, or anything that brings fleshly pleasure. None of that leads to real life. It leads us to losing our life. Mark 8:36, 37—” 36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

 Jesus gives us clear directive in how to find a purpose filled life. It is found in Him alone. To find that life in Him, we must lose everything else. What does that mean? Is Christ saying that we will have to literally lose everything to fin dour life in Him? No, we still have homes, cars, family, and other things. He is saying that our pursuit of Him will lead to us finding life in Him, and it may result in losing other things. He is worth it though. In Christ is life. There is no lasting life in anything other than Christ. Anything that we lose in pursuit of Christ is worth it. Purpose filled life is found in Christ + Nothing!


Matthew 10:39—” 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”