STBC Prayer Page
Strong Tower Prayer Requests
Specific STBC Requests
Pray for God to call and send out young adults to the mission field from Strong Tower
Pray for the opportunity to purchase the property next door to the church
Pray for the best lending options for the construction of the new church
Pray for STBC outreach to grow greater than last year
Pray for the follow-up work for those who trust the Lord
Salvation Requests
Chris & Erin Peters – Jamia Detrick’s son & granddaughter
Vanessa & Jordan – Francisco & Judith Rodriguez’s daughter & son-in-law
Devin – Francisco & Judith Rodriguez’s son-in-law
Rick & Tonya – Richard Wernsmann’s son and daughter-in-law
Health Requests
James Crouch – he is beginning a new chemo treatment with hopes of increasing quality of life while enduring his cancer
Nathan Matthews – having complications with medication to help his body stop rejecting his liver transplant…he is very weak and nauseous…he needs a touch from the Lord
Deszmer Blevins (Amanda Vance’s mother) – Breast cancer & Treatment; report shows the cancer may have spread out of the lymph nodes; removing more lymph nodes and scheduling a scan and going from there
Lexanne Redman (Andrea Finley’s friend) – 37 years old with a brain tumor; going to Vanderbilt to be seen
Sara Smith (Diane Slagle’s friend) – diagnosed with cancer
Patsy Wernsmann’s brother-in-law starting cancer treatment
Rick Bevins (Linda Collier’s father)- Kidney Cancer diagnosis…cleared to have kidney removal surgery on September 10
Dillon McCullough’s grandmother – been in hospital over a week…heart rate has been 170…pray the Lord give doctors wisdom to treat her
Randy (Sharon Boyd’s brother-in-law) – fell from ladder…in ICU with 3 broken ribs, lacerated liver, and partial lung collapse
Jean Couch (Mark’s mother) – triple by-pass surgery on Sept. 10
Troy Freihoff & Amy Walker (Richar Wernsmann’s request) – both in late-term cancer; both are young with kids in school
Miscellaneous Requests
Patsy Wernsmann’s son is doing some better with her
Patsy Wernsmann’s grandson has lost his joy
Mary Snyder’s mom and families’ relationships
David & Amanda Vance request prayer for Andrew to have a closer walk with the Lord
Joe & Myra Johnson to get back into church – Myra is Amelia’s daughter
Kamryn Wingfield (Jimmy & Karri’s daughter) – her and her teammates to be able to attend church due to their practice schedule on Sunday
Pastor Ancel – pray for peace, discernment and strength
Stephanie – comfort and healing
Joy (Stephanie’s friend) – unspoken request
Jeep Dye and family (Ben Snyder’s uncle) – his daughter passed away
Steve Miller – pray for him and his family in the unexpected passing of his sister
Rachel Whitaker’s 14-year-old cousin passed away – pray for the family in this difficult time
Praise Items
Louise Brabham (Leslie Couch’s cousin) – she is now home, using a walker, and gaining her strength back; pray for her healing and to build the relationship back with her son and grandchildren!
Bethany Galovin is now home from the hospital
Lenny Owens is feeling better; pray for him to get his strength back!
Dakota Payne – he got saved in the jail ministry! Pray for his discipleship.