STBC Prayer Page

Strong Tower Prayer Requests
Specific STBC Requests
Pray for God to call and send out young adults to the mission field from Strong Tower
Pray for the opportunity to purchase the property next door to the church
Pray for the best lending options for the construction of the new church
Pray for STBC outreach to grow greater than last year
Pray for the follow-up work for those who trust the Lord
Salvation Requests
Chris & Erin Peters – Jamia Detrick’s son & granddaughter
Vanessa & Jordan – Francisco & Judith Rodriguez’s daughter & son-in-law
Devin – Francisco & Judith Rodriguez’s son-in-law
Rick & Tonya – Richard Wernsmann’s son and daughter-in-law
Chris – requested by Karri Wingfield
Health Requests
Deszmer Blevins (Amanda Vance’s mother) – Breast cancer & Treatment; having some bad side effects from chemo including memory issues; pray for her wbc to increase and her bone pain to decrease
Sara Smith (Diane Slagle’s friend) – diagnosed with cancer
Rick Bevins (Linda Collier’s father)- Kidney Cancer diagnosis…going for more tests due to bad pathology report
Randy (Sharon Boyd’s brother-in-law) – fell from ladder…in ICU with 3 broken ribs, lacerated liver, and partial lung collapse.
Troy Freihoff & Amy Walker (Richard Wernsmann’s request) – both in late-term cancer; both are young with kids in school.
Patsy Wernmann’s brother-in-law – continuing cancer treatments; found more cancer in his leg
Kirsten Campbell Brown (Kim Harris’ request) – 42 years old in heart failure & cancer spread to her bones; getting weaker and in a lot of pain
Ashley Campbell Ryan (Kim Harris’ request) – finished radiation and starting chemo for colon cancer
Lexanne Redman (Kim Harris’ request) – 37 years old with brain cancer; pray her platelet count comes up so she can have treatment
Kendell Hensley (Kim Harris’ request) – 19-year-old with liver cancer has spread more and is now on hospice.
Rhinda Hissong (Teresa Whitaker’s request)- had a minor stroke. Pray for healing.
Raef (Jamie & Ben Chitwood request) – has blood and bone infection; has major health issues to begin with that are compromising his ability to heal
Sandy Law’s mother – being admitted to hospital in Elizabethton
Tressa Jones (Amanda Vance’s cousin) – diagnosed with invasive breast cancer
Gene Rowland (Chad’s dad) – in the hospital with a fever and stomach issues
Ada (Alysse Rowland’s college friend) – has cancer and contracted the flu; she is in ICU on a BiPap
Zoraida Cruz – fell and fractured her ankle. She had foot surgery 1/6/25, the doctor said it went good six to eight weeks of recovery.
Cesar Cruz – broke both ankles falling from a ladder. In rehab recovering from his surgery.
Don Finley – small defect with knew replacement surgery. Pray that exercise & therapy corrects the issue.
Cheryl Humphrey (Matt & Shanna’s mom) – recovering from surgery
Randall Simpson – hip replacement surgery on February 3
Karri Wingfield – My son Conner is needing to make a life changing decision that has serious consequences either way he goes. Pray the Lord’s will be done.
Austin Stills- grandmother, Lee Grills is in Holston Valley Medical Center with heart problems.
Beth Galovin – prayers for scans upcoming this week
Miscellaneous Requests
Patsy Wernsmann’s grandson has lost his joy
Mary Snyder’s mom and families’ relationships
David & Amanda Vance request prayer for Andrew to have a closer walk with the Lord
Joe & Myra Johnson to get back into church – Myra is Amelia’s daughter
Pastor Ancel – pray for peace, discernment and strength
Stephanie – comfort and healing
Joy (Stephanie’s friend) – unspoken request
Rachel Whitaker’s 14-year-old cousin passed away – pray for the family in this difficult time
Pray for Jim Collier and his family in the passing of his Aunt Jenny in Ohio
Amy Walker passed away after a long battle with cancer—pray for her husband and children
Austin Stills- Please remember me, I am going through some things.
Conner Wingfield – pray the Lord’s will is done in a very important decision he has to make
Praise Items
Louise Brabham (Leslie Couch’s cousin) – she is now home, using a walker, and gaining her strength back; pray for her healing and to build the relationship back with her son and grandchildren!
Dakota Payne – he got saved in the jail ministry! Pray for his discipleship.
Jean Couch (Mark’s mother) – got to go home
Lynnix Lovelady (2 years old) – got to come home; she is doing great!
Karri Wingfield’s sister – after being in one of our services, she has experienced peace and God healing her from her depression
Eddie Lambert (Amada Rowland’s dad) – doing well after his stroke
James Crouch – praise God for a successful surgery. Please continue to pray for his recovery. He is now home!