Daily Devotion
With Pastor Ancel Presnell
Jesus teaches us that if dying to ourselves and our own fleshly passions is not part of our life, we are not worthy of Him. You see, Christ, the King of glory, humbled Himself and took on the form of a servant, even unto death to reconcile us to God (Philippians 2:7.) Christ’s purpose in coming to this earth was to seek and save those who are lost (Luke 19:10.) He fulfilled His purpose to give us purpose found only in Him.
Self-sacrifice for Christ’s sake in pursuit of living a life in Him with purpose will demand choices on our part that is contrary to the norms of current culture. We will choose to honor God with our bodies and abstain from fornication. We will prioritize Christ over everything in our life. This is not the norm for our culture, we want instant gratification in everything. If you are in a dating relationship with a non-believer, it will cost your that relationship. If you are hanging on to unforgiveness and bitterness, self-sacrifice for the sake of pursuing purpose in Christ will call you to forgive!
Self-sacrifice is dying to yourself and your fleshly desires and passions. Not all those desires are even sinful in and of themselves, but when they take front seat to Christ, you can guarantee that Sin is driving your passion. Jesus commands us to take up our cross. The cross is “the emblem of suffering and shame” as the old hymn reads that was penned by George Bernard (1873—1958.) When he commands us to take up our cross, He is calling us to die to ourselves and live unto Him! This is a life filled with purpose. There is no greater purpose than Christ and Him crucified!
Matthew 10:38—” 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.”