Letter to the Band
Dear Worship Band,
I trust that each of you are well in the Lord as you read this. We are nearing the end of an incredible year at STBC with many conversions, lots of wins, and incredible growth. You guys, as a team, has been very instrumental in the God-honoring flow of worship each week. I am grateful for each of you and your hard work and dedication. We have truly been blessed with an incredible team that is so very blessed and gifted. Thank you for using your gifts for the Lord!
I am very aware of the sacrifice that each of you make each week from early morning rehearsals to Wednesday evening rehearsals, and then on top of that, I take yall with me to a few revivals here and there. You never complain (at least audibly to me J ) and you all are always accommodating to the needs at hand. Thank you!
As we embark on a brand-new year with lots of potential, we all know, each passing year presents new obstacles as well. I am going to do a better job at praying with you guys on Sunday mornings. I fail you guys in this area. I have failed at checking on yall to ensure you are getting the spiritual help & rest that you need throughout the year too. By the Lord’s grace, I will do better at this as well.
There are a few things that I want to ask of you to work hard at. These things are nothing new, they just need worked on a little bit. You guys are leaders in the church and spend as much time as me or anyone else leading from the platform. It’s very important that we lead together.
Let’s all begin to work on these few things. They each are requirements for being in leadership and in the band.
· Be @ Church all church services (Sunday & Wednesday) unless providentially hindered. If providentially hindered, let Pastor, Steve, or Shaffon know in advance.
· Faithfully attend a Sunday School class of your choice weekly.
· Be on time to rehearsals on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.
· Be faithful to study God’s word.
· Be committed to the church, its direction, functions, etc. to the extent practical.
· Always carry yourself in a Christian manner and guard your testimony both at church, the community, and the workplace.
I love and appreciate each of you and look forward to seeing what God has in store for us this coming New Year! 2024, Here we come!
In His service,
Pastor Ancel